Membership Form 2024 (w/PayPal)

Callsign: License Class: First Year Licensed:
Last Name: First Name: Nickname:
eMail Address:
Postal/Mailing Address:
City: State: Zip:
Phone: Home / Work / Cell / Other?
ARRL Member: NO - YES - LIFE - Comments:
Are you a certified VE? NO - YES - LIFE - Comments:
I hereby attest that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
I also agree to follow and honor the Club Constitution and By-Laws as published.
Signed: Date

Payment Methods include Cash, Check or you can use (click to start) or browse to
Please make checks payable to DBARA and bring to the next regular meeting or mail to:

The Daytona Beach Amateur Radio Association
P.O. Box 9852
Daytona Beach, FL 32120-9852

  • All dues are NON-REFUNDABLE
  • Full Membership/Annual Renewal 25.00
  • Additional Family Member 15.00
  • Associate Member / No Voting Rights 15.00
  • Student Member / 21 and under w/License NO COST
  • First Year Licensed Amateur(w/New Membership) NO COST
  • For Lifetime Memberships, please contact one of our board members for more information.