Welcome to DBARA

Classified Ads

Tektronix O-Scope - by W3GC
For Sale$85Tektronix O-Scope
250 MHz Dual Channel

School Equipment - by AJ4MQ
Looking For$School Equipment
Chairs, Desks and stuff


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Time to nominate Officers for Club Elections in November

Yep, it s that time again. If someone hasn't received this email, either we don't have one for them, or they aren't on the roster and unable to take part in our elections. If this is a mistake, please let us know. Please ask around and make sure.

One of the important parts of our voting is the nomination of club members to fill open positions for 2025.

Club President /
? Arthur Byrnes N4AJB (incumbent, undecided)
Unconfirmed Opponent

Vice President
Gary Lewis W8SSB 

Club Treasurer
John Herleman KM4WHO (incumbent)

Club Secretary
Jon Rutledge KS4GD (incumbent)

Directors (2 positions open)
Tom Durham AA5TD (incumbent)
Marc Nachman WD4LWD (incumbent)
Gerard Hickey WT0F
? David Jollymore WA1RWO (undecided)

IF you would like to nominate a current member, please reply to this email, identify the member and the position. If you would like an absentee ballot, please reply with a request.

Our Elections will be held during the DBARA Annual Business Meeting to be held:

Monday, Nov 18th, 2024, Starting at 7pm
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Lehman Building
Building 618, Room LB162 (South of Elevator, First Floor)
1 Aerospace Blvd (not the ballpark)
Daytona Beach, FL 32114

Thank you for your time and votes.

If you received this in error or would not like emails from DBARA, reply with "Unsubscribe" and I will forward the request to our treasurer.

Jeff Mathews, AJ4MQ
Life Member of the Daytona Beach Amateur Radio Association.


Welcome to the Daytona Beach Amateur Radio Association.

Our Next Meeting

Presenter: KG4JSK - Anthony Cinelli

TOPIC: Radio Demonstration

Monday, October 21st, 2024, Starting at 7pm
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Lehman Building
Building 618, Room LB162 (South of Elevator, First Floor)
1 Aerospace Blvd (not the ballpark)
Daytona Beach, FL 32114

Click on one of the maps to the right --->

Turn in main entrance, take first left, then left again for main parking lot.

Enter the building from the North West corner, follow the hallway to the elevator at the North East end, past the elevator, turn right to room 162 on the left side.

DBARA has partnered with Ham Radio Prep!

Ham Prep Website

DBARA Members and friends of DBARA may use the coupon code DBARA to receive a 20% discount for subscribing to HRP Online courses. DBARA encourages those test candidates to return to DBARA for VE Testing upon completion of the on-line courses. Our next testing session is posted at https://dbara.org/testing

Sign Up Today

Christmas Party - December 8th @ 5pm - D.B. Pickles

It's almost that time of year again. We have reserved our usual section at D.B. Pickles for our 2024 Christmas Banquet which should be held on Sunday, December 8th, 2024. Our section opens at 4:30pm. More details to come soon.

Sites of Interest: hamradio.world

Welcome to Ham Radio (dot) World!  We are the Lea Family and we want to share the excitement, fun, and adventure that Amateur Radio has to offer!  Your hosts are 18 year-old WX4TVJ (Zechariah), who was licensed at 12 years old, 16 year-old KD3Z (Faith Hannah), who was licensed at 10 years old, 14 year-old ND2L (Hope), who was licensed at 8 years old, 13 year-old Grace (KE3G), who earned her license in May 2016 at the age of 8 and upgraded her license to General Class at the Orlando HamCation® 2017 and then to Amateur Extra at the Orlando HamCation® 2019, Mom (N8ZQZ – Michelle), who surprised Dad by getting her license just before they were married, and Dad (WX4TV – James), who was licensed at 13 years old.


Skywarn Training in Volusia - Nov 13th, 2024 @ 6pm
In-Person Classes
County Date Time Location Registration Link
Volusia !NEW! Wed. Nov. 13 6 - 8 p.m. Daytona International Speedway - One Daytona (Map) Register
St. Lucie !NEW! Tue. Nov. 19 6 - 8 p.m. St. Lucie County Emergency Operations Center (Map) Register
Osceola !NEW! Tue. Dec. 3 6 - 8 p.m. Osceola County Emergency Operations Center (Map) Register